Oct 29, 2017
In the first reading (post published October 22, 2017), Dr. Ehrman answers a blog member’s question whether Dr. Ehrman’s background was an advantage or disadvantage on his path to becoming a New Testament Scholar.
In the second reading (post published October 27, 2014), Dr. Ehrman shares parts of his New Testament...
Oct 22, 2017
In the first reading (post published March 12, 2017), Dr. Ehrman answers two questions from blog members, the first pertaining to group visions (hallucinations) and the second pertaining why does Dr. Ehrman (an agnostic) find the subject of Jesus and his ministry to be so compelling.
In the second reading (post...
Oct 15, 2017
In the first reading (post published October 8, 2017), Dr. Ehrman answers a blog member’s question relating to whether crucified persons were buried and the impact of a 1968 discovery of an ossuary that contained the skeletal remains of a crucified man.
In the second reading (post published October 16, 2012),...
Oct 8, 2017
In the first reading (post published April 15, 2017), Dr. Ehrman answers two questions from blog members: (1) Do you believe King David existed? and (2) When did you know you lost your faith?
In the second reading (post published October 3, 2013), Dr. Ehrman reacts to claims made by Bill O’Reilly in his book...