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Mar 25, 2018

In the first reading (post published Mar 22, 2018) Dr. Ehrman writes about his views of miracles, both in the literal and metaphorical sense.

In the second reading (post published Mar 24, 2015), Dr Ehrman explains why, among all the lost early Christian writings, one of his favorites he would like to see discovered, is...

Mar 18, 2018

In the first reading (post published Mar 11, 2018) Dr. Ehrman updates a past post where he responded to a claim that Dr Ehrman is not credible to doubt a deity in a world of suffering.

In the second reading (post published Mar 12, 2014), Dr. Ehrman writes about the many differences found when comparing the Gospel of...

Mar 11, 2018

In the first reading (post published Mar 8, 2018) Dr. Ehrman writes about a fellowship he just received and the next two books he will be writing.

In the second reading (post published Mar 8, 2013), Dr. Ehrman writes how some different views in the Bible explain suffering.

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Mar 4, 2018

In the first reading (post published Jan 21, 2018) Dr. Ehrman writes about whether Pilate, in light of his sensitivities to Jewish Customs, would have allowed Jesus to have a decent burial.

In the second reading (post published Mar 4, 2015), Dr. Erhman responds to a blog member who asks if Jesus was from Nazareth.
