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Sep 29, 2019

In the first reading (post published Sept 22, 2019) Dr. Ehrman writes about life and his upcoming birthday.

In the second reading (post published Sept 01, 2012) Dr Ehrman writes about ways of examining the story of Jesus’ anger when healing the leper in Mark.

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Sep 22, 2019

In the first reading (post published Sept 15, 2019) Dr. Ehrman writes about a conference he recently attended.

In the second reading (post published Sept 21, 2015) Dr Ehrman explains the long slow process of choosing textual variants for his book on the Orthodox Corruption of Scripture.

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Sep 15, 2019

In the first reading (post published Sept 8, 2019) Dr. Ehrman explains why scholars generally don’t write trade books.

In the second reading (post published Sept 24, 2014) Dr Ehrman writes about his conceptualization for his popular textbook on the New Testament.

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Sep 8, 2019

In the first reading (post published Sept 1, 2019) Dr. Ehrman answer a blog member’s question about reconstructing the text of the NT from the quotes of the Church Fathers.

In the second reading (post published Sept 01, 2012) Dr Ehrman addresses a variant in the Gospel of the Ebionites.

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