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Jul 25, 2021

In the first reading (post published July 24, 2021) Jason Staples writes about his new book re historic use of the terms Israelite and Jew.

In the second reading (post published August 2, 2013) Dr. Ehrman discusses the diminishing authority of women in the early Church.

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Jul 18, 2021

In the first reading (post published July 15, 2021) James Tabors sets forth reasons for why he believes part of the Book or Revelation contains the eye witness account of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.

In the second reading (post published July 29, 2014) Dr. Ehrman discusses a statement by Josephus pertaining to the...

Jul 12, 2021

In the first reading (post published July 6, 2021) Dr. Ehrman explains the contents of the Book of Revelation as he begins to write his new book on the Book of Revelation.

In the second reading (post published July 18, 2012) Dr. Ehrman answers a blog member’s question about whether differing Greek dialect is used to...

Jul 5, 2021

In the first reading (post published June 29, 2021) Dr. Ehrman answers two questions from blog members.

In the second reading (post published July 11, 2012) Dr. Ehrmam discusses the impact of his seminar class with Bruce Metzger.

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